Return Policy

At, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. If you receive a damaged product, we are here to assist you.

Damaged Products:

Only damaged products are eligible for returns.You must notify us within 48 hours of receiving the damaged product. Please provide images of both the shipping package and the damaged content.

Return Process:

Notify us within 48 hours of receiving the damaged product by contacting our customer service team.
Provide images of the shipping package and the damaged content for verification purposes.
If deemed necessary, we may provide a return label to facilitate the return process.
Upon receiving the damaged product and verifying the issue, we will process your refund or send a replacement, depending on your preference.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our return policy or need assistance with a damaged product, please contact our customer service team at or ccontact us on chat.


Returns for reasons other than damage are not accepted. All returns are subject to verification and approval by